COVID Czar Admits Partying Amid Pandemic Restrictions

COVID Czar Admits Partying Amid Pandemic Restrictions

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Former NYC COVID-19 Czar Admits Attending Sex, Dance Parties Amid Pandemic

The former head of the COVID-19 pandemic response in New York City has admitted to attending sex and dance parties during the height of the pandemic, despite urging others to social distance.

Varma’s Confession

A video posted by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder shows Jay K. Varma, the former City Hall’s senior health adviser under then-Mayor Bill de Blasio, talking about a sex party he and his wife held and a 200-person dance party in an underground space on Wall Street.

COVID-Friendly or Not

Varma said in the video: "We went to some, like underground, like dance party, like underneath a bank in Wall Street. And we were all rolling. We were all taking molly and everybody’s high and I was so happy because I hadn’t done that in a… year or whatever."

Context is Everything

Varma defended himself by saying the videos were "spliced, diced and taken out of context". He claimed to have attended three gatherings between August 2020 and June 2021, but refused to provide evidence.

Hypocrisy Allegations

City Council member Robert Holden, a Democrat who represents Queens, is calling on Mayor Eric Adams to investigate Varma, citing the video as "alarming". "It’s the height of hypocrisy to tell everyone to put their lives on hold while enjoying his own," Holden wrote on the social platform X.


Varma’s admission has sparked controversy, with many questioning the credibility of his leadership during the pandemic. As a key advisor to the city’s mayor, Varma played a crucial role in shaping the city’s pandemic response.


Varma’s confession highlights the stark contrast between the city’s official stance on social distancing and his personal actions. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and integrity in public office.


Q: What was Jay K. Varma’s role during the pandemic?
A: Varma was the City Hall’s senior health adviser under then-Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Q: What did Varma do during the pandemic?
A: According to the video, Varma attended a sex party and a 200-person dance party in an underground space on Wall Street.

Q: What did Varma say about the parties?
A: Varma said he took molly and was "happy because I hadn’t done that in a… year or whatever".

Q: Did Varma apologize for his actions?
A: Varma did not deny the videos’ authenticity, but claimed they were "spliced, diced and taken out of context".

Q: What is the reaction from the public and officials?
A: Many are calling for an investigation into Varma’s actions, citing hypocrisy and breach of trust.