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AnxietyThe Envy Inside

The Envy Inside

What It’s Like to Feel Jealous

The Unspoken Emotions

Feeling jealous can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It’s as if you’re consumed by intense emotions, and it’s hard to make sense of what’s happening. Your partner may say things like, “What’s wrong with you? You shouldn’t feel jealous. Get over it. You have nothing to feel jealous about.” But jealousy is not something you can simply “get over.” It’s a complex and intense emotion that can be difficult to manage.

The Power of Jealousy

The word “jealous” comes from the Greek word for “zeal,” reflecting the passion, intensity, and often destructiveness of the feelings that consume you. To feel jealous is to feel possessed, driven, and sometimes out of control. It’s as if you’re struggling to make sense of your emotions, and it’s hard to know what to do.

The Confusion of Jealousy

When you feel jealous, you may experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, anger, and confusion. You may feel like you’re drowning in a sea of uncertainty, and it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s just your imagination. You may start to doubt yourself, wondering if you’re losing your allure or if your conversations have left your partner bored and wanting more elsewhere.

The Fear of Losing

The fear of losing your partner is a powerful force that can drive your jealousy. You may feel like you can’t live without them, and the thought of losing them is unbearable. You may start to read into every comment and gesture, wondering if your partner is attracted to someone else. You may even begin to question their loyalty, wondering if they’re hiding something from you.

The Anticipation of Humiliation

As your jealousy grows, you may start to anticipate humiliation. You may feel like you’ll be rejected, exposed, and left alone. You may start to feel like you’re in a battle you can’t win, and it’s hard to know what to do.

The Conflicting Emotions

Jealousy can be a confusing and conflicting emotion. You may feel like you’re torn between love and hate, unsure of what to do. You may start to question your own feelings, wondering if you’re being too possessive or controlling. You may even start to wonder if your partner loves you back, or if they’re just tolerating you.

The Relationship Room

I like to think of this as The Relationship Room. Once you understand the difficulty of feeling jealous, you may both realize that a loving relationship is like a large room filled with objects, memories, experiences, images, and conversations. Your goal is not to get rid of the jealousy, but to build a relationship large enough to contain it. Build a relationship that says, “I accept your jealousy and mine, but we are in this room together, and we can accept that tidal waves of emotions happen to both of us.”


Feeling jealous can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. But by understanding the emotions that drive it, you may be able to build a stronger and more loving relationship. Remember that jealousy is not something you can simply “get over,” but it’s something you can learn to manage and understand.


Q: What is jealousy?
A: Jealousy is a complex and intense emotion that can be driven by a range of factors, including fear of loss, insecurity, and a desire for control.

Q: Why do people feel jealous?
A: People feel jealous for a variety of reasons, including fear of being replaced, fear of being rejected, and a desire for reassurance.

Q: How can I manage my jealousy?
A: Managing jealousy requires self-awareness, communication, and understanding. It’s important to recognize the triggers of your jealousy and to communicate openly and honestly with your partner.

Q: Is it possible to overcome jealousy?
A: Overcoming jealousy is not always possible, but it is possible to learn to manage and understand it. By building a strong and loving relationship, you may be able to reduce the intensity of your jealousy and increase your sense of security and confidence.


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